Munchos – Grossly Delicious

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Fact Sheet
Serving Size: 1 whole bag
Servings Per Bag: as much as possible
Worth a Munch
Brand Munchos
Manufacturer Frito-Lay
Manufactured in United States
Price Category standard
On Bag Description A Light Tasting Crispy Snack
Munchies Type Chips
* The information listed above is a combination of both our opinion and what was advertised on the product's bag. We take no responsibility for any idiotic use of the this information. Actually, we advise you to check the product and see for yourself.

Munchos have long been a guilty pleasure of mine. Growing up I remember enjoying them at the local deli and over the years I found that they are not a snack you can find anywhere and many of my friends have actually never even tried them!

My research found that they have been around for quite a while and it seems they were once quite popular. The Munchos bag is simple with a reflective aluminum foil bag that just features a picture and a description of the crisps as a “light tasting crispy snack.” The texture of Munchos is quite unique. They are VERY light and airy yet the chips don’t create too many crumbs and they feel thick.

I think the texture can be best described as a very thinly sliced rice cracker or pork rind in terms of airyness. They are extremely crunchy and not very greasy at all. What makes them so addictive, however, is the salt. Some people don’t find them tasty at first, but after 2 or 3 you are hooked. Trust us when we say whether you like them or not, you can’t eat just one.

Munchos have a bit of a tang to them to go along with the saltiness and they are tremendous by themselves or as a dipping chip. Their lightness and easy-to-eat taste also makes it fairly easy to find yourself at the bottom of an empty bag before you know it. For those looking for a very unhealthy time, try some with a can of soda as the combination is quite delicious.

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8 Responses to “Munchos – Grossly Delicious”

  1. cuffshark says:

    Munchos are a gift from the gods! If you have not tried them, you have denied yourself the sweet salty ambrosia from Olympus itself.

  2. Rob says:

    I love Munchos. Heck, I’m eating ’em right now. You can get these pretty much at any supermarket or drug store or 7-11 here in San Francisco. Good stuff indeed.

  3. Theresa says:

    Munching on some Munchos right now! With a Nehi Peach soda. Delicious!

  4. David C. says:

    What is nehi peach soda and where do you get it?

  5. hank miller says:

    great chips…remember them from way back in my childhood…we had them in ontario canada…now i live in CT and buy them all the time…i like the gritty texture…like eating doritos and potatoe chips simultaneously…in one word: GORGEOUS. i’m rather surprised they never caught on.

  6. Gypsy says:

    “Theresa says:
    Munching on some Munchos right now! With a Nehi Peach soda. Delicious!

    Oh I love their peach pop

  7. Jen says:

    Not very greasy at all?! They’re like crunchy lard! They leave a gross film in your mouth from all the fat/oil. I used to down these things by the bagful when I was a champion weed smoker; that explains it. You have to be high to think these things are good. Ugh.

  8. JJ says:

    They are awesome with chocolate milk too!

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