Wise Bravos Nacho Cheese – At Least They Spelled Cheese Right

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Fact Sheet
Serving Size: 1 whole bag
Servings Per Bag: as much as possible
Brand Wise
Name/Flavor Bravos Nacho Cheese
Manufacturer Wise Foods Inc.
Manufactured in United States
Price Category standard
On Bag Description 0g Trans Fat Per Serving
Munchies Type Chips
* The information listed above is a combination of both our opinion and what was advertised on the product's bag. We take no responsibility for any idiotic use of the this information. Actually, we advise you to check the product and see for yourself.

There is nothing scarier than seeing Cheeze or “Cheez” on a bag, so I was relieved when Wise Bravos Nacho Cheese Tortilla chips not only had the right spelling, but had cheddar cheese and milk as main ingredients (though as a lactard these things usually scare me). Like other Wise chips the price was right, but how would these compare to must munch Doritos Nacho Cheese chips?

The bag of Wise Nacho Cheese Bravos features the chips prominently on the front and the triangle shape was identical to what we found once the bag was cracked open. One thing we immediately noticed, however, was that these chips felt thinner than your average tortilla chips and were less crunchy as well. They did have the standard cheese snack bright orange/red seasoning however.

At first bite you are welcomed with a hint of a garlicy taste, followed by a cheese flavor (which you would expect for a cheese snack of course). Unfortunately, after the cheese hits it disappears completely and there is no flavor at all. The flavor of Wise Bravos Nacho Cheese was also not particularly strong. In fact, it was pretty mild which is a trend we are finding with Wise chips in general.

Another knock against Bravos Nacho Cheese was the fact that the bag seemed to lean more towards medium/empty when we opened it. I’m not one to complain about cheap snacks being skimpy on what you get necessarily, but with such a strong competitor out there in Doritos, its something we had to make note of. On the plus side, they say they have 0 grams of trans fat per serving which is good if you are trying to be “healthy” about how you snack.

Overall, we can’t really say “bravo” to Wise’s Nacho Cheese Bravo Chips and I would probably recommend getting your nacho cheese fix elsewhere.

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