Caffe Nero Salt & Vinegar – What a difference Balsamic makes

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Fact Sheet
Serving Size: 1 whole bag
Servings Per Bag: as much as possible
Brand Caffe Nero
Name/Flavor Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar
Manufacturer Mystery
Manufactured in United Kingdom
Price Category premium
On Bag Description Hand cooked potato chips Seasoned with Sea salt & Balsamic Vinegar Flavour
Munchies Type Chips
* The information listed above is a combination of both our opinion and what was advertised on the product's bag. We take no responsibility for any idiotic use of the this information. Actually, we advise you to check the product and see for yourself.

I can remember enjoying Wise Salt and Vinegar chips as a kid during lunch. We would all sit around and see who could get through a few bags on their own. Pucker-faced and parched from the salt, it was both painful and delicious. Being a more “premium” style, hand cooked chip, the Caffe Nero Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar chips  were a far cry from the chips of old.

As mentioned in an earlier post, the MunchiesBlog webmaster happened to find himself enjoying a coffee at a café at the London airport and found the café also sold chips. The Sea Salt chips were quite uninspiring, but the Sea Salt + Balsamic Vinegar chips created a super tasty, very unique chip.

Unlike the standalone sea salt chips; the Balsamic vinegar addition made these chips tremendous. It was tart enough to add some kick, but there was no puckering and gasping for water here, although I doubt the 25 cent Wise chips were using a more premium style vinegar. The flavor was reminiscent of real London-style french fries…er chips… with some salt and vinegar on them.

Like the Sea Salt version, the chips were thick-cut, but this time the bag was depleted quickly. The salt seemed much more prevalent due to the just-sour-enough balsamic taste. Needless to say, they were delicious. If you happen to live by a Caffe Nero or are traveling somewhere that you see one, these are a Must Munch, our first infact!.

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